Thursday, October 25, 2007

Anti-aging Tips

Proper sleep ….

For years we have tried to do with less sleep. At least 50% of the American population is sleep deprived, proving that our hectic society just does not give enough value to the benefits of sleep. Recent studies show that even a small loss of sleep has detrimental effects on mood, being accident prone, performance, productivity, gastrointestinal function, cardiovascular and immune systems, and more. Planning for a healthy sleep equals planning for a longer and healthier life.   [July 13/98]

Recommended Reading: Power Sleep, by Dr. James B. Maas

Nine Eating Tips To Prevent Aging ….

Eating will enable you to have the body you want, to live longer, and to enjoy excellent health that will show up on your skin.

Go ahead — follow these 9 rules for younger looking skin:

Eat plenty of fiber.

Eat a low-fat diet.

Build your diet around complex carbohydrates.

Eat fresh, locally grown, organic foods.

Keep sugar and salt to a minimum.

Eat more non-animal protein than animal protein.

Give up caffeine. Avoid artificial food additives.

Drink six glasses of water daily.

If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation.  Â

[July 6/98]

Recommended Reading: Fifty & Fabulous, by Zia Wesley-Hosford

Defy Age With 2 Easy Moves ….

Research shows that stretching can prevent or reverse the loss in joint range of motion that often occurs as you age. It can also reduce your risk of injury. The most important areas to stretch are the hamstrings, back, and neck. To stretch these areas, try the following:  Hamstring Stretch: Lie on your back with your left foot flat on the floor and your right leg extended. Slowly raise your right leg as far as comfortable. Keep your back flat on the floor. You should feel the stretch in the back of your leg. Repeat using your left leg.  Seated Twist: Sit on the floor with your left leg extended. Place your right foot on the floor next to the outside of your left knee. Then put your left elbow on the outside of your right knee and twist your torso and head back to the right. Place your right hand on the floor behind you for support. Reverse and repeat on the other side.  Do these stretches slowly — to the point of milddiscomfort. Hold for 10 to 30 seconds, release, and then repeat four times. Â

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